

Contact form

Please fill out and send the form below.

* This form is only available in English.

* Required

Name *
Email Address *
Re-enter email address *
Details of your inquiry. *
Send Cancel

* The confirmation email from our staff may not be delivered if you have spam mail filters such as "email domain specifications" or "filtering for emails sent from computers".

For customers who have not received our acknowledgement/confirmation email.

When you make a reservation or send an inquiry through this site, our staff will reply to you quickly, however there can be cases where our email does not reach you for the following reasons.

1. The email not being delivered because of the "Mail Refusal setting"
Our emails may not reach you when spam mail filters* are enabled. *e.g. domain specification settings or filtering for emails sent from computers.
- Please make sure your email settings allow to receive the email from "@ebisuya.com" (A "domain" is the section of an email address after the @)

The following can also be a possible reason if you do not receive an email from us.
- Virus protection softwares may reject our email.
- You are using an email address for a company or a school.

2. The email may have been filtered as spam mail.
Your provider (including free mail) may automatically determine our email as spam. Please contact your provider for solutions. Depending on your computer settings our emails may automatically be sent to "Junk Mail", "Deleted", or "Spam" folders.
Please check your "Junk Mail", "Deleted", or "Spam" folders.

3. Incorrect setting of your email software.
Depending on the setting of your email software, email service or security software, our emails may automatically be sent to "Already Read" or "Deleted Items" folders.
Please check your setting of the email software, email service, or security software.

4. Over the limit of letters per email.
Some cell phones reject emails with a large number of letters.
Please contact with your cell phone company for solutions.

5. Not enough capacity in the " InBox".
If the customer's email server's capacity is already full, you may not be able to receive the email.
Please contact your provider and mail server.

6. The email address you typed in the form was misspelled.
If the email address was not typed correctly, our reply will not arrive.
Please check the spelling of your email address.

7. You have an unusual email address.
If there are "." or "," consecutively before the @, or right before the @, or if you have special characters in your email address, it could be possible that it does not follow the guideline of the RFC (Request for Comments: the official document which IETF publishes.)

If none of the above apply, it could be our server's problem.
If that's the case, we would appreciate it if you would contact us at info@ebisuya.com.
